Lipstick Collection | My 6 Most Used Lipsticks ♥

Lipsticks I use Everyday Colourpop Ultra Matte YSL Rouge Pur Couture Mac Kat Von D

Good morning class,

I always have a little pang of guilt every time I lay eyes on my lipstick collection because there are so many that I barely use. However I can’t bare to get rid of them because I like to have the option of using them at some point. (Silly, I know!).

If you know me from school (and I know there are some staff/parents who read my ramblings – Hi! Thank you for reading!) then you know that I do try to wear an array of bright colours on my lips each week. However, if you’ve ever been to my house, you’d know it would take me about half a year to get through every lipstick I own if I wore one different shade each day.

I thought perhaps by writing this post, it might make me discover lipsticks that haven’t seen the light of day in a while and try to get some use out of my collection. Plus it will let YOU all know which lipsticks you should probably go and buy 😉 (sorry, not sorry).

I’m dividing this post into two categories. Liquid Lipsticks and Normal Lipsticks because I am so obsessed with Liquid Lipsticks that my top 6 would almost be made up purely of them so I chose three of each to tell you all about.

Let’s start with the Liquid Lipsticks. I love liquid lipsticks because I can wear them all day without worrying about them. They just stay there pretty much all day. I’m a lazy person and my job is pretty full on. I don’t really even have time to go to the toilet some days, let alone touch up my makeup, so liquid matte lipsticks are my jam.

Liquid Lipstick Kat Von D Backstage Bambi Colourpop Ultra Matte Trap Succulent

First up are my two faves by Colourpop Cosmetics and probably my two most-used of 2015, Trap and Succulent (with a special mention to Koala). If you want to know why I love the Colourpop formula so much then check out this post I wrote on the Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks.

Trap is SUCH a flattering shade I think, not just on me but on every one. It makes every makeup look, look good. It goes with every outfit. It’s just stunning. Super on trend, and super easy to wear. If I could only wear one lipstick for the rest of my life then this would probably be it. Ask my friends, this one is always on my lips.

Succulent is THE. PERFECT. RED. It is stunning. I have NEVER been able to pull off red lipstick for some reason. I always looked like Snow White or a pasty goth kid. Finally I’ve found my soul sister in lipstick form. It just looks good really. It especially looks good when I don’t want to wear contacts and wear my glasses. Gives off that teacher-vibe. I could easily wear this every day and again, it’s a very flattering and versatile shade.

My third favourite liquid lipstick is by Kat Von D from the Everlasting Liquid Lipstick collection and it happens to be my favourite liquid lipstick formula and my only shade from this brand and collection (which is such a shame). If I won Lotto, buying the entire collection of these would be the first thing on my ‘To Do’ list.

Mine is in the shade Backstage Bambi which is a pretty weird name for a lipstick but that’s okay. It’s a bright pink which is just so ‘me’. The formula is exceptional and it feels ridiculously comfortable on the lips which is a weird thing to say about any lipstick, let alone a liquid formula which is known for being drying. This lipstick is probably my most comfortable lipstick in my entire collection. It literally feels like nothing. The shade is also perfection. I love bright pinks and this one is nice and bright. I could probably go slightly lighter and brighter, but my lips are naturally quite dark so most shades come off a little darker on them anyway.

Swatch Lipsticks I use Everyday Colourpop Ultra Matte YSL Rouge Pur Couture Mac Kat Von D

Now on to the Normal Lipsticks section. I didn’t really know what else to call it, but I’m guessing you know what I mean by ‘Normal’.

Mac Cosmetics Lipstick Myth Za YSL Rouge Pur Couture

My favourite Mac Cosmetics and favourite ‘nude’ lipstick is Myth. It’s a Satin finish and is described as a ‘light natural nude’ which is a good representation of the colour. This is probably the lightest I’d go with a nude lipstick and I’ve got pretty light skin so if you had tanned skin I think this one would look a bit like concealer on your lips. I like the finish of this lipstick as it’s just a touch glossy but not wet and sticky or anything. It looks very flattering and is good for when I’m going all out on the eyes. I’m pretty sure this is one of the boyfriend’s faves as well.

My YSL Rouge Pur Couture lipsticks are some of my prized possessions in the collection. Not only do these babies cost a pretty penny but they also have my most favourite ‘normal lipstick’ formula in my collection. I can’t really describe why, but they just are perfectly pigmented, stay on well, and feel amazing. This one is in the shade 49 and it is THE most perfect pink. If I could get this exact shade in a liquid lipstick form then all my dreams will have come true! It’s a perfect combination of baby pink, bright pink and fluro pink. I wear this sparingly (just whenever I go out) because I don’t want to have to buy another one as they’re so expensive, but really I should wear it more often.

Sometimes I like to release my inner emo with a darker shade and this lipstick by ZA Cosmetics is perfect for that. This is the Vibrant Moist Lipstick in “RD555“. It’s a wine-plum coloured red and I think it suits me. I love the formula of these ZA lipsticks as well. They’re pigmented but really easy and comfortable to wear. Almost balmy but still pigmented if you get me? This lipstick range also has some gorgeous bright pinky shades too and I’d totally recommend them if you’re on the hunt. Quite often they do some sweet deals at Life Pharmacy too so keep an eye out. I don’t usually get this one out during the warmer months but it’s perfect for Autumn or Winter.

There you have it! My top 6 lipsticks. What are yours? Have you tried any of these ones? Is your collection sitting around not being used like mine? Let’s try and use all our lipsticks together!

Come and visit me on Facebook! I’m planning a competition coming up soon and I’d love for you to take part 🙂

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Teacher quote Miss White

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