PR Gift Haul + First Impressions Part 1

PR Haul First Impressions Kitten Garnier Manuka Doctor Kardashian Matrix

Ni Hao Class!

Today I am dying to show you some of the gorgeous products I have received through PR companies over the past few months and give you a bit of a first impression and my thoughts on them so far. If you would like to hear more about any of the products featured please let me know and I’ll write an in-depth post and tell you all about them. 🙂

As a disclaimer, I was so excited and blessed to receive all of these goodies and this post is not sponsored in any way however I was gifted the products for free ❤

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Miss White’s Bathroom Essentials ♥

Bath bathroom essentials must have

Good morning class,

Today we are going to learn about essential bathroom products that Miss White HAS to have in her bathroom at all times.

I am one of those people that get anxious when I don’t have a back up of a product I love. (This will be reiterated in a future post, so sorry in advance for repeating). Bathroom products probably make me the most anxious because I use them so often that they run out quickly. Often I find myself buying in bulk – especially if they’re on sale.

I am going to show you my favourite products I’m using in my bathroom right now. Including; skincare, shampoo, conditioner, razor, bath products, shower gel etc.

Let’s get into it!

Disclaimer, I am not paid by Lush – I honestly just LOVE them.

Let’s start with my weird shampoo/conditioner combo. I just use drugstore/supermarket shampoo & conditioner because my hair is far too long and I was it too often to bother with the expensive stuff. I’d probably have to take out a loan, honestly.

Pantene Palmolive Strawberry Smoother

I’ve used Palmolive Naturals shampoo for SO many years. Probably since before I left home which was about 7 years ago (I can’t believe it’s been that long! – Mum! I miss you). It’s cheap at around $4 on sale. It smells absolutely amazing – all the colours smell good, I often mix it up and try a new colour for a few weeks when I want a change. I don’t find the different types/”bottle colours” change the formula too much and I haven’t really noticed a change in my hair when using them. I usually use this pink one which is Intensive Moisture because I like the smell and my hair could always do with some extra moisture. I love that the formula is quite thick and it creates a perfect lather! Love it! I honestly get comments on the smell of my hair with this shampoo!

I’ve got Pantene conditioner here because A. I hate the matching Palmolive conditioner and B. There’s a few conditioners I like and this is one of them. I am extremely picky when it comes to conditioner. Because my hair is so horrendously long I need a conditioner that is thick in formula. I like them white and thick. None of that semi-transparent, watery crap. I use Pantene, Tresemme or this new Garnier one. I usually go for Tresemme because the bottle is bigger and I use so much at a time that I run out too fast with the other kinds. However this Pantene one – it’s all good.

My exfoliator of choice is this Palmolive Strawberry Smoother Body Butter. It’s also cheap and it also smells divine. However it’s actually just a good exfoliant as well. (WordPress seems to think both exfoliant and exfoliator are not words, if this is the case and I made them up then I apologize!). It’s also pink, and I like pink. Plus Tom likes it so he doesn’t make me pay for it myself – which he does with conditioner because apparently I use too much of it!

BIC Soleil twilight razor

Since the beginning of time (my time, shaving my legs) I have used these BIC Soleil shavers/razors or whatever you want to call them. They only sell the Twilight version in the ones I like now, but there used to be these orange ones as well which were cheaper. I like these because again, they don’t cost an arm and a leg like those fancy ones do. They work well, they’re also pink, and the wee moisturizing strip at the top is just lovely. I recommend them.

queen helene mint julep face mask

I’ve probably talked about it before but the Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask is fantastic. It smells like mint which is one of my favourite smells ever. It is a clay-like mask which I also like. It does wonders for my skin and I try to use it once a week. It calms break outs and is SO good for my oily skin! I buy mine from iHerb which is an amazing site that ships all over the world and sells everything natural and healthy you could possibly imagine! Food, makeup, skincare, supplements, haircare, you name it, iHerb has it. I’ve got a coupon code which you can use for $10 off if you spend over $40, otherwise $5 off. That’s the price of this mask! The code is: KPN384

Lush Jelly Sweetie Pie

Sweetie Pie by Lush is gorgeous. It’s literally a jelly and you use it as a soap to wash yourself with. It smells AHMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly. The smell is perfect. GO and smell it at a Lush store. It makes you smell like it as well. It smells like lollies. It’s $7. Buy it.

Lush dark Angels cleanser oily skin

Dark Angels by Lush is something I’ve talked about before here and I’m still obsessed. It’s my go-to cleanser for my oily skin. If you have oily skin you legit need it. It’s a black, dry, mud-like consistency and you mix it with a little bit of water and smother it over your face. It cleanses and exfoliates and gets rid of all that excess oil. It does wonders for my breakouts and I use it a couple of times a week.

Lush also has some amazing bath products. These are two of my faves and the two that I have that aren’t half used or are now remnants in my bath tub. The purple sparkly one is called Space Girl and it’s a Bath Bomb and the pink one is called Rose Jam and it’s a Bubble Bar.

Space Girl Lush bath bomb


Rose Jam Macaroon Lush Bubble Bar Bath

The bath bombs smell gorgeous and turn your bath into a coloured pool of unicorn urine. (I imagine unicorn urine would be purple and sparkly and smell gorgeous of course). The bubble bars are cool too, I use half at a time. Basically you crumble them up under the tap and they turn into mounds of delicious bubbles. Bubbles can be used in lots of different ways. You can use them to cover the body parts your not fond of, you can cover your whole self so no-one knows that you’re in the bath, you can eat them (I used to do that as a child, they don’t taste nice), you can use them to keep warm, or you can use them to make you feel like a  luxurious super star/model/actress. Either way, bubbles are fun and they’re a bath time essential. Shop Lush here – or check out your local Lush store! The bath bombs & bubble bars are around $8NZ each

Candle Crush Soy Candy Store

Lastly, I’ve got my Candle Crush candle in Like a Kid in a Candy Store which is the corner dairy in a nutshell. It smells like lollies. I LOVE the smell of lollies. It actually makes my entire house smell like lollies. I often light it when I’m writing blogs to get me in a descriptive mood. You can buy from Candle Crush here and they’re $32.95 NZ

What are your bathroom essentials? I’d love to hear about them! I always like to try out new things. Do you use any of these products? PLEASE tell me you’ve tried the Lush bath bombs! Comment down below & let’s chat. xx

Teacher quote Miss White