WHERE Have I Been!? & Life Chat

Miss White's Makeup

Honeymooning in Hawaii!

Ola Class!

I guess you’re wondering where on earth I have been. Yes. It’s nearly been a year. Although I’ve kept up with posting on my Instagram and Facebook pages I have just found myself too busy and not motivated to write a blog post for quite sometime. Originally, the wedding planning basically took over the spot in my life free to do something extra (like blogging) and then I lost motivation after that. Teaching is not an easy job (although very rewarding – and totally worth it!) and it can leave you with very little free time. In that free time, in order to look after yourself, it is important to spend time on you. I needed to spend that time relaxing, exercising and planning a wedding.


However, no excuses! I’m not the only busy person in the world. Even if it’s not regular, I’d like to keep writing posts when I feel the need to tell you about something. You know this blog is for the sole purpose of fulfilling my passions of writing, makeup and sharing my opinion. Therefore when something is interesting, out-of-this-world (a phrase my students love adding into their writing) or really bad then I’ll find some time to tell you about it!

I hope that there are still some of you who have stuck around – let me know if you have!

I’m hoping to have a giveaway over on Facebook – but I’d love to reach 1000 followers first – so go and give the page a “like” and keep your eyes peeled! I usually update on there more frequently than here. 🙂

Let me know what you’d like to see first! Wedding, Wedding Makeup (I did my own), Honeymoon or one of my FAVE beauty sites? Comment down below with your thoughts x

Teacher quote Miss White


Removing Your Makeup Like a Boss With The ZA Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil

Za Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil Estee Lauder Double Wear

Aloha class (just booked out honeymoon to Hawaii – I’m so excited!)

Today I want to tell you about the product I have been using most regularly to take off my makeup – in particular my stubborn Estee Lauder Double Wear!

It is the wonderful, the fantastic, the marvellous… ZA Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil.

Now I was sent this by ZA for free however I am not being paid to talk about this product, I haven’t been asked to talk about this product. I just genuinely love and use this product regularly and I want to tell you about it – because it’s a cheaper alternative to the Estee Lauder makeup remover, and it removes makeup really well and leaves my skin feeling fab.

So it’s sold in 100ml bottles, it’s around $15NZ and sold in Life Pharmacy and other similar stores in NZ – if you want to see where it’s sold near you or in your country then check the Facebook page or site for your country at the bottom of their website. It’s got a pump dispenser and one pump is around enough for my face, although I tend to use two pumps (one to remove makeup and one to cleanse).

Za Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil

Obviously it’s an oil-based cleanser (looking at the name). Originally I was thinking I wouldn’t be touching the thing with a barge pole as I have oily skin myself and I assumed it would make it worse and make me break out. However it ended up being quite the opposite (once I got the courage to try it!).

It’s marketed to remove stubborn makeup, pore impurities and clogged sebum (who knows what that it, but it sounds nasty). It is formulated with two types of natural plant oils (two!?) and vitamin E derivative which sounds pretty good, although it’s gone over my head a little bit.

Za Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil

You are supposed to rub a pump between your hands and apply to your dry skin (which is a HUGE positive for me, because I can never be bothered wetting my face before cleansing – it’s such a pain). Then you rub it over your skin and rinse it off. The one thing to note here is that the formula is very runny so you have to be careful when you pump it out that you don’t lose it between your fingers and onto the floor!

I find it just melts away all of my makeup almost instantly. You and I both know the power of Double Wear and how it sticks to your skin – I can assure you that this stuff melts it away like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Za Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil Estee Lauder Double Wear

It leaves my skin feeling really nice and it doesn’t feel wet or sticky as it can with some cleansers. In fact I barely feel anything at all.

It never breaks me out and it never leaves an oily residue or makes my skin overly oily. In fact I think it’s actually helped my breakouts before because you don’t have to scrub it or anything so it doesn’t anger your acne but it’s gentle and cleanses really deeply so gets rid of all those nasties which were causing the breakouts in the first place.

Overall I would definitely recommend this. I have no idea what people with dry skin need, but I know it works for my oily, acne prone skin. It would be perfect for you if you wear a high coverage foundation every day as it would keep your skin cleansed and healthy. It’s cheap. It’s easy to find. It’s easy to use. What more could you want?

Have you tried this before? What cleansers do you use and love? I use this alongside a few others too – I love the Lush Dark Angels cleanser too!

Come and join the fun over on Facebook and we can chat about makeup and skincare we love!

Miss White's Makeup Desk on Facebook Beauty Blog Page



Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara Amazing Before/After

Yo class (haha I need some more ways to say hello! I promise I don’t greet my real class that way).

You guys… I’ve done it. I’ve found my favourite mascara.

My mascara-hunt has been through its ups and downs and I’ve thought I’ve found my holy grail probably about 4 times. BUT I PROMISE YOU THIS IS IT.

I’ve never had a mascara where I’ve felt comfortable enough to post a close-up before/after eye picture of it’s use. Until now.

Introducing the Eye of Horus Goddess Black Mascara. ($36.66NZD).

This stuff is ridonkulous. I’ve heard people talking about it here and there over the past few years but I hate paying lots for mascara because it’s SO hit and miss. That, and mascara runs out fairly fast as well so it can get costly constantly replacing them every few months.

This little baby will be where my fortnightly pay check is going as not only do I need to repurchase it, but I also need a few back-ups (of course).

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PR Haul + First Impressions Part 2

ZA Cosmetics Deep Cleansing Oil Liquid Eyeliner Perfect Fit Concealer Airy Powder

Gidday class!

I’m a little bit extra excited to write this post because it’s all of the makeup goodies I’ve received from generous PR companies to try out and tell you about.

Disclaimer – I was gifted these items by PR companies however this post is not sponsored and all thoughts are my own 🙂

Okay so last time was a wee haul accumulated over a few months, this one dates back quite a while ago but I realized I hadn’t told you about some of these products and I thought you might like to hear my views.

Lets get into it!

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PR Gift Haul + First Impressions Part 1

PR Haul First Impressions Kitten Garnier Manuka Doctor Kardashian Matrix

Ni Hao Class!

Today I am dying to show you some of the gorgeous products I have received through PR companies over the past few months and give you a bit of a first impression and my thoughts on them so far. If you would like to hear more about any of the products featured please let me know and I’ll write an in-depth post and tell you all about them. 🙂

As a disclaimer, I was so excited and blessed to receive all of these goodies and this post is not sponsored in any way however I was gifted the products for free ❤

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Review | Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation

Estee Lauder Double Wear Before and After Review Test Best foundation ever

Kia orana class,

Just quickly, if you haven’t already – go and follow my Facebook page for extra updates AND a giveaway when I hit 1000 likes!

For those of you that follow my every move, or have been doing a recent stalk of my blog you’ll know that I said that the e.l.f. Acne Fighting Foundation was my favourite foundation of all time… well, I think it’s time for an update. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the e.l.f. foundation! However I think I’ve got a new favourite, and I can safely say it’s my favourite because I’ve repurchased it over 6 times!

Everyone knows about Estee Lauder Double Wear. Like, I know you know all about it. You’re probably thinking “Ugh not another post about that expensive Double Wear foundation, I’m sick of hearing about it, I’m going to close the page and watch Frenchy on YouTube…” STOP! Please. If you haven’t tried this foundation yet then please keep reading, I implore you.

Why should you keep reading you ask? “Well this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down and I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, to tell you why the best foundation is Estee Lauder Double Wear.”

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Sleek Highlighting Palette | Midas Touch

Sleek Highlighting Palette Midas Touch Swatches

Bula Vinaka class!

(A ‘warm’ hello in Fijian today!)

Today I need to talk to you about the Sleek Highlighting palette in Midas Touch. The newest member of the Sleek highlighting family, Midas Touch is a blue/cool toned palette that has once again, stolen my heart. Can Sleek do no wrong with their highlighters? Let us go back in time to my review on the Solstice Highlighting Palette by Sleek. It was wonderful. The Angels were singing. The birds were chirping. The sun was out. Everything was warm and sparkly and happy.

Today I feel like I’m in the movie Frozen. The snow is glistening. The ice is cracking. The air is crisp and fresh. Everything is quiet… too quiet. But in a good way. The kind of quiet when you know you’re waking up to a snow day (and a day off school). This palette feels even better than a snow day. It’s the sparkly, glittery, out-of-this-world pigmented little brother of the Solstice palette and I couldn’t be any more excited about it.

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Proposal story engagement ring antique

My dress made me have a weird tummy look going on – so don’t judge it please!

Good morning class,


Today I’m so excited because I GOT ENGAGED!!!

I didn’t get engaged today – it was on the 6th of March – but I’ve been quite busy with school and wedding planning etc.

Anyway, I bet you’re all aching to hear about how it happened – and I’m so excited to tell you! It is such an amazing proposal he couldn’t have done it any better.

Side note: if you would be interested in hearing how we met, comment down below because that is a pretty different story as well.

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How I Stopped Biting My Nails ♥

Acrylic Gel Nail Art Bright Glitter

Good morning class,

Today I want to chat about nails! You’ll notice I haven’t talked about nails or nail polish very much on my blog and that is because I only stopped biting them near the end of last year. I wasn’t a horrific nail biter who bites right into the nail bed. However I had been biting for as long as I can remember and I have never in my life had nice nails (until now).

I know it’s gross, but I didn’t mean to do it! It was a force of habit and there were two reasons why it happened. #1 I would run my teeth along the underside of my nail (YUCK) and it would eventually weaken and get a crack or something and then I’d have to “fix it up” with my teeth. Or #2 when I was nervous or watching a movie I’d bite them as a way of fiddling or taking my mind off it or something.

I absolutely hated having gross, bitten nails. I really dislike my hands anyway (they’re small, my fingers are double jointed and they look weird) but having bad nails definitely made things worse. I had been trying to stop biting them for a good few months before I succeeded but I always broke or weakened a nail and started from square one again!

I’m one of those people who needs their nails to all be the same. So if one is bitten, the others need to be. If my nail polish has chipped off on one, I pick it off all the others and so forth.

Anyway here is how I stopped biting them!

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I ADOPTED A BABY!? (Jk, it’s a kitten) | Story time

cute kitten sleeping story time
Good morning class,

I am way too excited about writing this post, especially because I’m currently experiencing the calming feeling of having a cat press against my leg, purring like the soft hum of a Lambo…

I know this isn’t makeup related, and I know I’ve already posted like a million pictures of him on my social media accounts already… but I HAD to tell you about my little bundle of joy!

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