Sleek Highlighting Palette | Midas Touch

Sleek Highlighting Palette Midas Touch Swatches

Bula Vinaka class!

(A ‘warm’ hello in Fijian today!)

Today I need to talk to you about the Sleek Highlighting palette in Midas Touch. The newest member of the Sleek highlighting family, Midas Touch is a blue/cool toned palette that has once again, stolen my heart. Can Sleek do no wrong with their highlighters? Let us go back in time to my review on the Solstice Highlighting Palette by Sleek. It was wonderful. The Angels were singing. The birds were chirping. The sun was out. Everything was warm and sparkly and happy.

Today I feel like I’m in the movie Frozen. The snow is glistening. The ice is cracking. The air is crisp and fresh. Everything is quiet… too quiet. But in a good way. The kind of quiet when you know you’re waking up to a snow day (and a day off school). This palette feels even better than a snow day. It’s the sparkly, glittery, out-of-this-world pigmented little brother of the Solstice palette and I couldn’t be any more excited about it.

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15 Beauty Faves of 2015 ♥

15 Faves for 2015 Miss White's Makeup Desk Tarte LA Girl PRO Conceal Sleek Solstice NARS

Good morning class,

I do realize I’m horrifically late for the party on this one but I thought I’d better do an obligatory 2015 favourites post because, well I have lots of faves and it’s sort of nice to round off the year like that (even though it’s February…)

I’ve decided to focus on makeup items because once I started delving into the skincare I wanted to do bath and body and then hair care and it just never ends! So I am just sticking with makeup today 😀

Some of these products you would have definitely heard me talk about. I tried to think of things that I used most often and replaced quickly when I ran out, and got really excited when I thought of using them as a way to choose these favourites – but trust me, it was REALLY HARD! (I actually have more than 15 things to tell you about too… but I’m sure you’ll forgive me!)

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Strobing Made Easy | with the Sleek Highlighting Palette in Solstice ♥

Sleek Makeup Highlighting Solstice Palette Strobing Review Swatches

Good morning class,

Bear with me while I contain my excitement… you know I’m obsessed with highlighters and this palette really takes the cake. Rose gold packaging, a purple shade, super pigmented, cheap… can we just take a minute to bask in it’s glory?

Okay, I’ve pulled myself together – let’s chat!

Strobing is something I am a complete amateur towards and to be honest I’m still sort of getting my head around contouring. Isn’t strobing just highlighting as per usual? Apparently not.

The way I see it, strobing is like excess highlighting. “Bulk” highlighting as Crystal Conte might put it. This palette literally does make ‘strobing’ ultra easy. I know that sounds cheesy and hopefully I didn’t put you off with that cliched, cheesy title. However I’m only being honest!

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Haul | Uhhh, So No-one Helped Me… and I Still Can’t Stop Shopping!

I cant stop buying makeup haul Help Me

Good morning class,

This is the worst time of the year for shopping, because you’re supposed to be shopping for other people for Christmas but there’s all these sales and good stuff and I don’t know about you, but I end up buying just as much for myself as I do for my family and friends… (and I go CRAZY shopping for family and friends at Christmas!).

This haul has been collected over the past month (and I apologize I haven’t made a blog post for a month but I’ve been busy applying for a job and having a friend stay). I was going to make a few posts about individual items I’ve got in this haul however I figured I’d haul it first and the other posts will be coming soon!

If you desperately want to see a post about an individual item from this haul then please let me know.

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